Home grown skills

Ian Williamson from the Casey Comets Player Development Program with some of the young stars of tomorrow - Colby, Nicolas, Tanysha and Cain. 126389 Picture: RUSSELL BENNETT


A 10-WEEK skills and development program is helping shape the exciting next generation of Casey Comets soccer players.
Run by Ian Williamson – the head coach of the Comets’ Women’s Premier League side and the high performance coach at Hallam Senior College’s soccer academy – the Casey Comets Player Development Program (CCPDP) helps fast-track the development of youngsters aged from eight to 15 years old.
“We brought back the development program because the future of the club depends on the young talent that we have available,” Williamson told the News at training last week.
“One of the problems that we face is that the kids get to a certain level and they disperse away from the club.
“What we want to do is harness the development of the young kids, teach them a lot more at a younger age, and see if we can mature these kids a little bit earlier than what we’ve been doing so that we don’t have to go out and spend money to bring players in that we can’t afford.”
Williamson said there was some great young talent at the Comets that the club was looking to develop.
“We’re taking them through the curriculum factor, we’re introducing a 1-4-3-3 pattern of play to them and these young kids are already picking these things up very quickly,” he said.
The Comets are incorporating both male and female participants in the program and currently have more than 50 currently involved.
“It’s growing every week, too,” Williamson said.
“I’m very happy with it.
“We teach these kids how to play football – not necessarily how to be drill-orientated but how to play football and how to understand the game and the geographical area of a football pitch.”
For more information on the program, visit www.caseycomets.com.au.