ABOUT 40 professional firefighters took to the streets of Cranbourne on Saturday to urge the community to join them in their campaign for more support and protection.
Firefighters from across the region gathered at the Cranbourne station before heading out to doorknock local houses and encouraging residents to sign their petition.
United Firefighters Union (UFU) spokesperson and firefighter Geoff Barker claimed that $66 million in fire service budget cuts by the Napthine Government has delayed the delivery of 342 extra professional firefighters, agreed by the previous Labor Government after Black Saturday in 2009.
However, the State Government has hit back at the claims, saying they have significantly increased resources to the fire services, more than any previous government.
Mr Barker said Cranbourne Fire Station was currently affected by the delayed delivery and was underresourced.
“The station is manned by a minimum of three full-time professional firefighters per shift and needs to increase to four,” he said.
“Firefighters have responded to 42 structural fires in Cranbourne this year where there has not been enough firefighters on scene to perform a rescue if required, this puts the safety of firefighters and community at risk.”
Mr Barker said the firefighters were also campaigning for presumptive legislation that recognised the link between firefighting and increased rates of cancer, which he claimed multiple international scientific studies had shown.
A CFA spokesperson denied claims that Cranbourne fire station was underresourced.
“Cranbourne CFA is adequately resourced with career staff working shoulder to shoulder with volunteer firefighters at incidents and emergencies,” the spokesperson said.
“CFA utilises a multi-brigade response model, where at least two different brigades turnout to virtually every incident, including rescues.
“Two weeks ago, two recently graduated firefighters started work at Cranbourne Fire Station.
“Since 2011, CFA has recruited around 180 additional career station staff to support volunteers at selected locations around Victoria.
“Last week, the second of four recruit courses for 2014 began at Fiskville.”
Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Bushfire Response Kim Wells said the once again, the UFU continued to deliberately mislead people on the Victorian Coalition Government’s commitment and investment in fire services.
“The facts are the Napthine Government is significantly increasing resources to the fire services than any previous government,” he said.
“Since coming to office, the Coalition Government has provided the CFA with funding of more than $2.29 billion and the MFB more than $1.45 billion.
“The CFA Budget for 2014-15 is $457 million, $58 million more than under the last Labor budget.
“This investment highlights the Coalition Governments commitment to our emergency services personnel and recognises the critical role our volunteer and career firefighters play in keeping Victorians safe.
“The Coalition Government will continue to ensure that the fire services recruit and train sufficient numbers of firefighters to ensure the safety of all Victorians.
“The allocation of resources is an operational matter for the Chief Officer of CFA.”