Snakes in the grass

CASEY residents are urged to be on the lookout for snakes as temperatures rise.
City of Casey customer service manager Rob Colling encouraged residents to find the name of their nearest licensed snake catcher before and if they spot a snake.
“If you do see a snake near your house, keep an eye on it to see where it goes, then call a licensed snake catcher.
“It helps if you don’t lose sight of the snake so the snake catcher can easily find it,” Mr Colling said. “In Victoria, nearly all snakes longer than about 40cm, south of the Great Dividing Range, are likely to be toxic to humans and most cases of snakebite occur when people are trying to catch or kill snakes.”
Snakes normally avoid people but there is an element of risk for people, and their animals, living near areas that attract snakes.
“Mice and frogs attract snakes, so modify areas to make them less attractive to frogs and mice to reduce the chance of unexpected encounters with snakes. Also, keep grass short and remove rubbish and wood that may create cover and a home for snakes,” Mr Colling said.
For more information about snakes, visit the City of Casey website at
To find your nearest licensed snake catcher call the Department of Sustainability and Environment on 136 186.