President steps up

An iconic figure in CCFL circles, Cliff Donegan will now represent the league as a board member of PCN Sports Alliance. 120222 Picture: DAVID NAGEL

The Casey Cardinia Football League has a new voice after former Berwick president Cliff Donegan was last week appointed to the board of PCN Sports Alliance.
PCN is the governing body of the CCFL, along with the Nepean and Peninsula leagues, and Donegan says it’s time the CCFL had a say.
“I’m not president of Berwick any more so it was time to have a go,” Donegan said as he did the rounds of the CCFL venues on Saturday.
“Two years ago I said to (current board members) Rod Willshire and Norm Lansdowne that I think we need to get someone from Casey Cardinia on board.
“We’ve got people from down the other leagues (Nepean and Peninsula) but no-one representing us.
“My main goal now is to travel around and be a director that is seen, someone who clubs can express their ideas to and know that they’ll be taken back to the board and looked at.”
Donegan said as a past president he had a clear understanding of the issues that need to be addressed.
“The presidents just want some representation and for our league to grow and develop into the future,” he said.
“We’ve all been guilty of it, spending too much money, but we need to develop the junior talent and keep it within the Casey Cardinia league clubs.”
Donegan attended his first meeting as a director last Thursday.