Mobility to aid youth

THE City of Casey is set to receive a new Mobile Youth Information Centre.
Minister for Sport, Recreation and Youth Affairs James Merlino made the announcement at Kambrya College in Berwick that the State Government had committed $70,000 to assist with fitting out a new mobile centre.
Casey youth and family services manager Lee McIntosh said the new Mobile Youth Information Centre would be fitted with state-of-the-art Information Communication Technology (ICT) and audio visual equipment to ensure young people in Casey had access to vital information.
“Access to ICTs provides young people with the opportunity to easily access important information and resources.
“It is particularly helpful for generating educational and employment advantages for young disengaged or disadvantaged people,” Ms McIntosh said.
Mr McIntosh said the Mobile Youth Information Centre would engage young people in Casey via drop-in and structured activities and reach young people at local schools, isolated areas and community events.
“It will provide a range of services including targeted educational programs in partnership with other service providers on issues including drugs and alcohol, nutrition, life skills and road safety,” Ms McIntosh said.