Students pay tribute to wonderful land of Oz

CLYDE Primary School students danced and sang up a storm in a tribute to Australia at their recent production.
Held at the Cranbourne Community Theatre over two nights, ‘We are Australia – We are One’ was a hit, with the audience cheering along to the songs, dances and Aussie characters.
The night kicked off with the senior school students presenting a semaphore (flag signalling) segment to welcome the audience.
The junior school children, who were dressed as animals, clowns and fairies, then caught the train to Melbourne Town.
They also retold the story of ‘Waltzing Matilda’ to the audience.
Children in the middle school delighted the packed house with their dance routine and their Scarecrow and Crows performance.
Musical director Sylvia Grollman said the finale to the evening, the song ‘I am Australian, We are One’, was an emotional celebration of the multicultural country in which we live.
“The children and staff have worked extremely hard over the last four months and they should all be very proud of what they have achieved,” Ms Grollman said.
“A large number of our school community – parents, grandparents and staff, worked tirelessly to ensure the nights were a great success and a positive experience was had by all the children at Clyde.”
For information on enrolments or to book a school tour call principal Peter Quigley on 5998 5293.