Rich tales of research

Authors Mark Greenwood and Terry Denton with Heather Zubek and Michelle Nye, from Hillcrest Christian College, when they visited the school last year.

THE topics of research and rebels were on the cards when Hillcrest Christian College had two special visitors late last year.
West Australian author and historian Mark Greenwood and popular illustrator and author Terry Denton visited the school’s Discovery Centre to talk to the students.
The two men created the book Jandamarra which is about the Indigenous rebel from early Australia.
Discovery Centre director Michelle Nye said the men spoke about how they travelled through the Kimberley in WA with a local Indigenous elder all in the name of research for their book.
“They were taken into areas of incredible sacred significance and felt a solid bond with the Bunuba people,” she said.
“Both authors had students enthralled as they related tales of their travel including the many ‘unusual’ meals they encountered.”
Ms Nye said it was a special session for the students, who gained a lot from it.
“Mark related how research is such a huge component of his writing and Terry was able to share his original illustrations with the students,” she said.