Snakes are out

By Sarah Schwager
THE first snakes of the season have been found in Casey and Cardinia more than a month earlier than normal.
Locals are being warned to know what to do if they see a snake in their yard.
On Sunday, a 90-centimetre long copperhead snake was found in a garden bed in Beaconsfield.
A snake was also found in Pakenham on the weekend.
Devon Meadows’ Nigel Williamson from Nigel’s Animal Rescue was called to the scene to rescue the snake and said he could not believe how early they had come out.
“We don’t normally see snakes until October,” he said.
“People need to know what to do if they get bitten by a snake. I was surprised when I went out there how many people had misinformation about what to do in that situation.”
Mr Williamson said if bitten by a snake, people should bandage the bite and if bitten on an arm or leg, bandage the whole limb, then call an ambulance.
He said in no circumstance should a tourniquet be used and never to drive a family member to hospital as chances of a car accident were high and doctors at the hospital would not be prepared when they got there.
“People just need to know there are snakes around and could be in trees. Be aware and keep safe. If anyone sees a snake they can always ring me,” Mr Williamson said.
Casey Council urged anyone who saw a snake near their house to keep an eye on it to see where it goes and then call a licensed snake catcher.
In Victoria, nearly all snakes longer than about 40cm, south of the Great Dividing Range, are likely to be toxic to humans. Snakes cannot be killed and are protected in Victoria under the Wildlife Act 1975.
To reduce the likelihood of snakes:
– Keep grass very short;
– Remove rubbish, piles of wood and other cover, such as sheets of iron;
– If creating a habitat for frogs, make sure it is away from buildings;
– Get a dog or geese to warn of the presence of snakes;
– Be alert during warm weather when snakes are likely to be active;
– Use a torch and take particular care when walking at night;
– Wear shoes or boots as protection;
– Leave snakes alone to reduce risk of snakebite.
Anyone who sees a snake can call Nigel’s Animal Rescue Service on 0427 533 083.