Cash reconsidered for theatre

A PETITION signed by 82 local people has forced Casey Council to have another look at funding for the Cranbourne Community Theatre.
Councillor Janet Halsall recently put the petition to the council, asking that ways to provide funding for the theatre project be looked into in the event there were insufficient funds in the mid-year budget review.
Cr Halsall said it was disappointing that the theatre had missed out on the $20,000 funding requested in the revision of this year’s budget.
The theatre was one of about 30 local projects to be abandoned after council decided to lower the rate rise to 5.84 per cent.
Cr Halsall asked that alternative measures of funding for certain community projects be looked at, including councillors’ pet projects that may have also missed out.
Councillor Wayne Smith said he was very disappointed that the theatre was chopped out of the budget, and said he was unsure whether all the councillors knew this before voting on the final budget.