How baker got business to rise

SMALL business owners can hear first hand the remarkable success story of Tom ‘The Baker’ O’Toole at a business breakfast in Cranbourne next month.
The story of how he transformed a small country bakery into a multi-million dollar business empire will come to light when Mr O’Toole is guest speaker at the breakfast, hosted by the Cranbourne Community Planning Team.
Casey mayor Colin Butler said residents had the rare opportunity to listen to the Beechworth man’s story of how he helped rejuvenate a community through rebuilding a bakery in a small, isolated country town with a population of just 3000 people.
“When he took on the bakery there was just two staff employed and the annual turnover was $100,000, but through effective management and clever marketing he now employs 200 full and part-time staff, generates an annual turnover in excess of $8 million, and serves well over 600,000 customers per year,” Cr Butler said.
“Tom’s story is an excellent example of how hard work and smart business planning can pay remarkable dividends for small business owners, and I invite local residents to come along to the function to learn how they can apply similar strategies to their own business.”
The breakfast will be held at the Settlement Hotel on the South Gippsland Highway in Cranbourne on Wednesday, 8 August at 7am.
The cost of the breakfast is $35 and bookings can be made through Caroline Marinucci from the Cranbourne Community Planning team on 5996 5488.