Tune in to tune out violence

By Sarah Schwager
POLICE are encouraging victims of family violence to tune in to the radio today to help tune out violence in the home.
‘You are not alone’ is the key message as police officers from the Casey Family Violence Unit and Casey radio station 97.7FM 3SER conduct a family violence awareness broadcast live-to-air at Centro Cranbourne Shopping Centre today (Thursday).
The radio program comes as the unit, which was launched last month and operates out of the Cranbourne Police Station, tackles the alarming rates of family violence incidents reported in the area, especially in Cranbourne.
City of Casey family violence adviser Acting Sergeant Andrea Kardos said the aim of the radio broadcast was to highlight to victims of family violence that they were not alone and that help was available to them.
“People do not have to put up with family violence and continue to suffer without seeking help,” Act Sgt Kardos said. “We need to raise awareness across the community that family violence is a crime and should not be tolerated.”
Police figures show that last year Casey recorded over 1700 incidents of family violence, with that figure set to grow to more than 2000 incidents this year.
In its first weeks of operation, the Family Violence Unit is already showing results.
Senior Sergeant Dave Kinghorn, who oversees the operation at Cranbourne Police Station, said while the unit was in its very early days, its expert members were providing a far more professional service for people in a family violence situation as well as taking the pressure off general patrol units.
He said the unit was also seeing a reduction in the number of reoffenders, by providing them with services and direction to get help.
“We are not only giving victims greater dedication, but also more time before and afterwards with people who are being subject to orders and prosecution for domestic violence,” he said.
Representatives from Relationships Australia, Department of Human Services, the City of Casey, Windermere Child and Family Services, WAYSS Housing and Support Services, Hanover South East Crisis and Transitional Accommodation Service and the Cranbourne Information and Support Service will also be available at the radio broadcast, which runs 10am to 4pm with a radio booth set up near the food court at the Cranbourne shopping centre.
Topics to be discussed include how to report domestic violence to police, the police response to domestic violence, the different types of domestic violence and the assistance available to victims.
Act Sgt Kardos said family violence was a significant issue in Casey and she hoped the broadcast would make the community more aware of the issue.
“Family violence is a complex problem with no simple and clear-cut solutions. It includes violent, threatening, coercive or controlling behaviour that occurs in current or past family, domestic or intimate relationships,” Sergeant Kardos said.
People wishing to contact Casey Radio during the broadcast can call 5996 6933.
Victims of family violence are encouraged to come into the Cranbourne Police Station at any time or call the station on 5991 0600, or the emergency line 000, for help.