Casey’s mission to butt out

THE City of Casey is continuing its campaign to help butt out the problem of local retailers selling cigarettes to minors.
The council’s environmental health officers undertake routine tobacco-test purchasing across the municipality, targeting tobacco, licensed premises and other venues to ensure strict compliance with the Tobacco Act.
The council recently took action against three local businesses caught selling cigarettes to minors and issued infringements to each business.
If caught, individuals will be served with a penalty of $567 and companies a fine of $8450.
City of Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon said that the council was committed to preventing the illegal sale of cigarettes to minors and took its responsibility very seriously.
“Council plays a primary role in the application of the Victorian Tobacco Act across the municipality and undertakes a range of initiatives in an effort to reduce tobacco related illnesses throughout the community,” she said.
“Our efforts to protect minors are unwavering, and businesses found in breach of the law can expect to face heavy fines that reflect the severity of the offence.
“Smoking causes more deaths in Victoria each year than road accidents, alcohol and other drugs combined, and in an effort to prevent the dangerous habit, council will continue to implement the strict measures necessary to shield Casey’s minors from illegal tobacco sales.”
Tobacco retailers who are unsure of their obligations can contact the council on 9705 5200 or the Department of Health Tobacco Information Line on 1300 136 775.