Family savours the kindness of strangers

By Sarah Schwager
A CRANBOURNE woman wants to thank a kind stranger who hand-delivered her lost purse, money and all.
Melissa Curtis was getting a lift to her boyfriend’s house in Cranbourne North on Saturday, 23 June via Thompson Park Shopping Centre.
She was coming back from hospital after visiting her father, who had been admitted the previous day.
However, somewhere between visiting Safeway and loading shopping from her brother’s car to her boyfriend’s mother’s car, she lost her purse.
It was not until the next morning that she realised it was missing.
Melissa’s mother, Gillian Curtis, said she was upset about it all day.
“She went back and asked at Safeway if anyone had handed it in,” she said.
“We checked again with Safeway at 9pm after returning from hospital. We checked the gardens in the carpark.
“We then went home and checked the letterbox in case someone had used her learner’s permit details to get the address and we checked our answering machine to see if someone had handed it in to the police.”
Then at 10pm, the pair decided to check the porch near their front door.
Someone had placed the purse on a little table hidden out of the way so no one else could see it.
“The little money she had, cards, learner’s permit, et cetera, were all intact,” Mrs Curtis said.
“She was so happy; however, there was no correspondence as to who left it so we cannot personally say thank you.
“So really all we want to do is send a little thank you note to the person, or persons, who was so nice as to go to the trouble of finding our house and returning the wallet.
“We are so appreciative that they did this – this shows that there are still some decent people out there.”