Council push for jab

Dorothy Ciobanu with her son Daniel and Immunisation Nurse Paulette Gardner. 97656_01 pics supplied

THE City of Casey is advocating the importance of vaccinations in the lead up to World Immunisation Week.
Mayor Amanda Stapledon, along with the council, is encouraging everyone to be up to date with their vaccinations.
“Immunisation is the safest and most effective way of protecting against life-threatening diseases such as measles, influenza, hepatitis, chicken pox, and cervical cancer as a result of human papillomavirus,” she said.
Councillor Amanda Stapeldon mentioned the number of free services available throughout the municipality, which welcome people of all ages to get their immunisations.
“Council plays an important role in providing a comprehensive immunisation service to the community, particularly to infants, children and young people throughout the community and secondary school-based programs,” Cr Stapledon said.
“However, with free immunisations available at a variety of locations across the municipality, it is disappointing that immunisation coverage among adolescents in Casey is below the state and regional average.”
City of Casey acting manager Community Safety Tracey Blythe said that now was a better than ever time for people to check they had up-to-date jabs.
“In light of the upcoming World Immunisation Week, council is encouraging people to check their immunisation status, particularly parents or guardians of secondary school-aged children,” she said.
Residents can check their immunisation status with the Department of Human Services by calling the immunisation register on 1800 653 809 and for more information parents can visit
For information about immunisations co-ordinated by the City of Casey, contact City of Casey Customer Service on 9705 5200 or visit the council’s website at