Dust up over dirt roads

DUST is causing a problem for residents on dirt roads in Casey’s south.
Balla Balla Ward councillor Colin Butler said speeding cars and grinding rock were leaving many locals in the city’s rural regions continually covered in dust and dirt.
“This is a huge problem in the southern areas on unmade roads.
“More and more dust is being generated by the speed of cars and heavy vehicles and covering residents in a terrible amount of dust,” he said at last week’s council meeting.
He called for council to investigate the possibility of increasing its application of dust suppressant to the city’s rural roads to twice yearly.
“Council currently only applies dust suppressant at the end of November.
“However, by the end of January it has begun to lose its effectiveness and by March it has worn out and does very little.
“I would like to see it applied twice during October to March each year and make us a little more dust free in this area,” he said.
A report will come back to the council in October on the costs and implementation program of applying dust suppressant to Casey’s rural roads twice yearly.