WHAT’S large, orange and was perched on the roof at Hillcrest Christian College? A Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The six-metre blow up dinosaur was sitting on the roof of the college’s Discovery Centre recently, watching students as they arrived for school.
The T-Rex was there to celebrate the launch of the new children’s book series Saurus Street and a visit from the book’s author and illustrator last month.
Discovery Centre Director Michelle Nye said the T-Rex was just one of the dinosaurs camped out ready to celebrate the Saurus Street stampede.
“The Discovery Centre welcomed author and illustrator team Nick Faulk and Tony Flowers who are responsible for the new children’s book series Saurus Street,” she said.
“Nick spoke about all things dinosaur to the year-two and three students, whilst Tony accompanied him on the drawing board – all under the watchful gaze of the prehistoric monster.
“The students loved having the dinosaur on the roof all week and it provided so many valuable learning experiences back in the classrooms.”
Ms Nye said as part of the celebrations, a competition was held to win morning tea with the author and illustrator team.
“A group of excited young students devoured dinosaur cupcakes, cookies and Jurassic juice whilst chatting with Nick and Tony,” she said.
“Activities such as this make literature come alive and we plan to run more of these events in the future.”