Facey first, last bears Brunt

Emily Currie and Hannah McNamara got into their house spirit. 93779 Pictures: KIM CARTMELL

WET and cold weather didn’t dampen the spirits of students at Cranbourne Secondary College’s swimming carnival last week.
More than 800 students descended on the Doveton Pool the Park on Thursday for the school’s 43rd annual swimming carnival.
Sport co-ordinator Stephen Lynch said the day was a huge success, with Facey House taking out the honours in a tightly finished contest.
“Well done to all the students who came along a supported the school swimming carnival, especially those who competed,” he said.
“We had over 800 students on a very cold day however, that didn’t ruin their spirits.”
Donnelly House came in second, Poole third and Brunt fourth.
The overall girl and boy winners for each age group were Caitlyn Lynch and Jesse Walker for 13-and-under, Brooklyn Payne and Lachlan Prowse for 14-and-under, Tanisha May and Bo Hellmann for 15-and-under and Simone Dyson and Riley Thorn for 16-and-under.
Arlene Johnson and Shabab Safa were the 17-and-under overl winners and Kirsty Tinwort and James Dipietro for 20-and-under.