Painted pink

pinkstumps_94287_16: Back from left, Erica Maliki, Sue Mitchell, Amy Frost, Caitlyn Slade, front, Greg Kniese, Luke De Lutis and Jason Herra are urging people to come along to their Pink Stumps Day fundraiser this Saturday in Hampton Park. 94287 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

HAMPTON Park will be painted pink this weekend as part of a fund-raiser for the McGrath Foundation.
Local fund-raising group Deliciously Pink has teamed up with the Hampton Park Cricket Club to host a fund-raising barbecue this Saturday as part of the McGrath Foundation’s Pink Stumps Day.
The barbecue will run from 9am to 3pm at the Hampton Park Central shopping centre, before the Hampton Park Cricket Club plays their Saturday game dressed in pink.
There will also be activities at the barbecue and collection tins for people to make donations.
All proceeds from the day will go to the McGrath Foundation to place McGrath breast care nurses in communities right across Australia and to increase breast awareness in young women.
Deliciously Pink will be one of a thousand community groups across Australia participating in Pink Stumps Day, an initiative of the McGrath Foundation and Cricket Cares, Cricket Australia’s community action program.
For two years, Aussie cricketers have staged their own mini ‘pink tests’ in their communities, inspired by the work of the McGrath Foundation, Jane McGrath and the Aussie cricketers on-field at the SCG during the Vodafone Sydney Pink Test, raising close to $1.35 million for the McGrath Foundation.
McGrath Foundation chairman and co-founder Glenn McGrath said he was thrilled by the support and enthusiasm communities showed during Pink Stumps Day and hoped this year’s event was even bigger and even pinker.
“Having raised close to $1.35 million dollars in the last two years, Pink Stumps Day has become a community cricket fixture and part of the McGrath Foundation fabric, playing an important role in helping us ensure every family experiencing breast cancer has access to a breast care nurse regardless of their location or financial situation,” he said.
“We believe we need 150 McGrath breast care nurses to achieve this goal.”
For more information about Saturday’s event, email