DON’T be silly on the roads this festive season.
Local MPs and Mayors joined forces on Monday to reinforce the importance of safe driving, particularly during this time of year.
Parliamentary Secretary for Transport Edward O’Donohue, Member for Bass Ken Smith, and Member for Gembrook Brad Battin joined with City of Casey Mayor Cr Amanda Stapledon and Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Brett Owen to pass on the safety message.
“We wish the community a safe and happy Christmas and holiday season, a time to rest and spend time with family and friends,” Mr Battin said.
“Safe roads and safe vehicles are important, but the greatest factor is a safe driver. Don’t speed, don’t drink and drive, and don’t text and drive – for your safety and the safety of others.”
Mr Smith said increased traffic meant local drivers could not afford to be complacent during the holiday season.
“Many people travel through this area on their way to popular holiday destinations like Phillip Island and Wilsons Promontory,” Mr Smith said.
Cr Stapledon said road safety requires the active involvement of all levels of government.
“Casey is proud to be united with our local MPs and the Shire of Cardinia to promote our road safety message across the region,” Cr Stapledon said.
“I encourage Casey residents to be patient on road this holiday period to ensure they arrive at their destination safely.”
Mr O’Donohue said the Baillieu Coalition Government is developing a new road safety strategy that would provide the key themes, messages and directions for road safety in Victoria for the next decade.
“The strategy is based on wide-ranging local and international research by road safety experts and the Government has had extensive consultation with the community, receiving 16,356 submissions in response to Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy Directions Paper,” Mr O’Donohue said.
Cr Owen said Cardinia Shire Council adopted a comprehensive road safety strategy this year to identify and address road safety in the shire.
“Cardinia Shire has a high proportion of crashes involving novice drivers and passengers,” Cr Owen said.
“This year, Council in conjunction with RoadSafe South East have brought several road safety programs to local secondary colleges to educate young people on road safety.”