Parents see for themselves

PARENTS of children at Courtenay Gardens Primary School got to see for themselves how education works these days.
The school’s See For Yourself Day was part of Education Week celebrations as students got to show off what they do in the classroom.
Grade 4 teacher Sue Atkinson said the day was extremely valuable as it enabled the parents to gain a first-hand perspective of how their children learn as opposed to how they (the parents) learnt.
“They all remarked how learning was more interactive and child-centred,” Mrs Atkinson said.
“They spoke about their school days and the difference in curriculum, for example they learnt spelling and tables by rote, and that individual differences, inability and learning styles were not catered for.
“They did not use computers and did not study a second language.”
Mrs Atkinson said the students really enjoyed welcoming their parents into their world and were eager to show them what they did and how they did it.
“The day was successful and everyone enjoyed it.”