Wheels for college

STUDENTS at a Cranbourne school will have the comfort of wheels the next time they are injured or get sick.
Last week, the Lions Club of Cranbourne donated a $300 wheelchair to Lyndhurst Secondary College.
A few months ago, the school’s first aid attendant Dianne Salmon wrote to the Lions Club, as well as local shopping centres and nursing homes, seeking their support to overcome the problem faced on the school’s vast grounds.
“We thought maybe they could make a small donation or suggest another way in which we could get a wheelchair,” Ms Salmon said.
Two weeks ago the school received official notification that a wheelchair would be coming its way.
“We are just thrilled. The Lions Club must have so many requests and we cannot believe we have been so lucky,” Ms Salmon said.
“So far we have used a stretcher to move sick or injured students and that puts an enormous strain on those using it.
“We really wanted to give the college community a sense of wellbeing.”
The wheelchair was presented to the school at a special ceremony on Monday by Cranbourne Lions Club president Diane Barker.