Players put on the spot

CRANBOURNE Secondary College students put the hard questions on AFL Collingwood players last week.
The footy stars took time out of their busy training schedule to visit the school after enjoying their success over Essendon in the Anzac Day match.
Physical education teacher Melinda Corney said the players held a motivational talk with four year eight PE classes about themselves and their goals and how they got into football.
They then had a kick with students at the end of the talk.
Ms Corney said the students were very interested to hear what the players had to say even if they didn’t follow the black and white.
She said they also asked a few tough questions.
“They asked who were their role models, what was more important, school or football, which was harder, what injuries they had had, how much training they did and what their coach was like,” she said.
Ms Corney said the Collingwood boys handled themselves well, saying school was probably harder than football because they had to concentrate more.