Scout funds flow for water saving

LOCAL scouts groups are celebrating after the Federal Government announced water saving funding at scout halls.
Federal La Trobe MP Jason Wood last week welcomed the announcement that $17.7 million would be provided to Scouts Australia for the installation of rainwater tanks in scout halls across the nation.
Mr Wood said the funding aimed to assist scouts to generate significant water savings and conserve precious water resources.
“As a Queen’s Scout myself, I am delighted to make this announcement locally today at the place where the initiative took place, Ferny Creek Scout Hall,” Mr Wood said at the announcement last Friday.
“Some time ago the issue was raised with me about water savings through scout halls installing water tanks. I am pleased to say that I took this to the Prime Minister and it has come to fruition today.
“There is no more fitting way to commemorate 100 years of scouting worldwide than helping the scouts of Australia in this practical way to learn about and practise wise water use.”