Big siblings wanted

BIG Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Casey is in desperate need of volunteers.
The scheme matches vulnerable young people, aged seven to 17, with a volunteer adult who can be a role model and a supportive friend.
Coordinator Nett Bailey said 15 friendships, or matches, had been formed in the past three months and both the volunteers and young people were thrilled with the rewards so far.
“Big Brothers Big Sisters has held various fortnightly activity days for the matches and has seen the friendships grow and develop as the volunteers and young people have attended these activities,” he said.
“Some of the matches have also had opportunities to spend quality one-on-one time together.”
For further information about BBBS contact 9705 5033.Mr Bailey said BBBS was still in desperate need of more volunteers (especially male volunteers) as the waiting list for young people, particularly young boys, continued to grow.
“The rewards for becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister are far-reaching and not only can change the life of a young person, but bring a great deal of satisfaction and joy to the adults involved,” he said.
“I’ve seen such a difference in the young people we’ve matched – from when we first met them until now. They have grown in confidence and are beginning to trust and enjoy the time with their new adult friend.
“The volunteers are already feeling like they are making a difference.”
The YMCA and BBBS are running several one-hour information sessions for any interested adults who might like to find out more about how to become involved.