By Sarah Schwager
PAST students, teachers and parents of Clyde North Primary School, which closed 15 years ago, met on Sunday to reminisce.
Parent and one of the organisers of the reunion Meryl Carter said it was great to learn some of the history of the area.
“Some of the people there had photos dating back to 1954. The earliest records I had were from 1978,” she said.
The school was closed down in the Jeff Kennett era in 1992 after opening in 1858. The school never had more than 45 students at one time.
“It was really close knit. When we had a working bee all the parents and students would turn up,” she said.
Mrs Carter said nearly 50 people turned up at the reunion and there were a number of elderly people there connected with the school.
“They had some fantastic stories to tell,” she said. “One fellow was telling me how Clyde North used to be Clyde but when the railway was put through and houses built up around it they decided to make that Clyde.”
People as far as Warrnambool and Wangaratta showed up for the reunion, which had been advertised in local papers.
Mrs Carter said the land around Clyde North was currently being subdivided and sold off.
She expected another school would soon be built there although she was fairly sure it would not be called Clyde North Primary School this time.
The reunion was held at the Clyde Tennis Club, with the clubrooms donated for the day.