Interview to prepare for the real thing

By Sarah Schwager
STUDENTS at Lyndhurst Secondary College have been put to the test in a mock interview process to prepare them for the working world.
The year 10 students were interviewed at the end of term for advertised positions by the prospective employers and local community and industry representatives.
The students had to write an application for a position and were then short listed for the job and invited to be interviewed in front of a panel at the school.
Lyndhurst Secondary College careers coordinator Frances Fenech said most students had not had a formal interview before.
She said it was great experience before they went door knocking to find their work experience placements next term.
People on the 15 panels included a retired sub-editor from The Age, an air traffic controller from Tullamarine Airport, the school principal and Star News Group chief of staff.
Ms Fenech said the students would receive written feedback from the panel members as well as the verbal feedback they received on the day.
“Some of the kids found it quite confronting,” Ms Fenech said. “A few really had the wow factor, they were well dressed and really confident.
“One kid even brought a tray of rumballs for the panel.”
This is the second year the program has run and is now a fixed part of the curriculum.