More savings urged as restrictions step up

CASEY residents are urged to continue their water saving as Stage 3a water restrictions came into effect last Sunday, 1 April.
Announced last week by Premier Steve Bracks, the main change is that watering of gardens can still take place on two days a week – but only for two hours in the morning. South East Water managing director Dennis Cavagna said the new restrictions allowed community sport to continue and businesses to operate.
“Under Stage 3a water restrictions, watering of one in four sports grounds can continue, and efficient commercial car washes can still operate,” he said.
“By introducing Stage 3a we are minimising the impact on industries affected by water restrictions, protecting jobs and allowing community activities to continue. If our dams haven’t recovered by August, Stage 4 water restrictions will be introduced.”
Residents aged 70 years and over will receive an automatic exemption to water between 8am and 10am if they prefer.
Under Stage 3a water restrictions:
– A manual dripper system, hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, a watering can and a bucket can be used to water gardens as required on specified watering days between 6am and 8am.
– Automatic dripper systems can be used to water as required on specific watering days between midnight and 2am.
– Even-numbered and no-numbered properties can water on Saturday and Tuesday. Odd numbered can water on Sunday and Wednesday.
– Cars can be washed at an efficient commercial car wash. A bucket filled from a tap can be used to clean windows, mirrors and lights and spot-remove corrosive substances.
– One in four sportsgrounds can be watered. Councils must complete a water conservation plan and ensure water use on these sportsgrounds is cut back by an additional 25 per cent.