College carnival one long broken record

CRANBOURNE Secondary College students recorded a particularly successful day at their annual athletics carnival last week.
Sports teachers labelled the event an overwhelming success with 13 records broken.
School sports coordinator Sue Burt said 950 students turned up on the day to compete against their respective houses.
The athletics track and field was a swarm of colour with the students competing in their various bright house colours.
“The weather held up, which was a change for us,” Ms Burt said.
She said it was a busy day, with any kid that wanted to compete allowed to compete, and they ran at least 20 100-metre heats.
Kaitlin Adamson broke four records in under-14 events, one that had been held since 1977, and Siobhan May also broke four records in the girls’ under-16 events.
Other record-breaking students included Jordan Faamausili, Alex Fairburn and Math Thowat, who broke the under-21 1500-metre event, which was held since 1982.
Donnelly House won its first carnival in some time and also broke Brunt House’s long-held tradition of winning the Athletics House Cup.
About 80 students will go on to the district athletics event in term three.