Casey is keen to swing

CASEY’S lack of night time entertainment for both young and old is being addressed as a priority by council.
At Tuesday’s council meeting, councillor Lorraine Wreford said there was a serious lack of venues within the City of Casey for night time entertainment.
“All age groups, not just teenagers, want to go out, whether it’s to listen to music or go to a jazz club, but to do that they have to go outside the city,” she said.
Cr Wreford said the city was not only losing business but was failing to provide facilities for its residents.
Residents have recently expressed concern about the lack of night time entertainment and the impact on the behaviour of local youth.
Deputy mayor Kevin Bradford said it was important to provide entertainment for all ages, not just the young.
“When you think about the number of people who have left the city for the CBD, Phillip Island or Cowes, if we harness those people to stay here, we are not only boosting our economy, but also easing demand on public transport, pressure on roads and minimising accidents that happen at those times,” he said.
Council will now create a taskforce to consider night time entertainment in Casey by considering current shortcomings, future needs and how those needs might be met.
The taskforce will comprise councillors Bradford, Wreford and Michael Farley, two council officers, three community members and three entertainment industry representatives, yet to be appointed.