Boys help paddle team to victory

By Sarah Schwager
THREE boys have helped their team to take out the open school class in the Red Cross Murray Marathon canoe race.
Cranbourne South brothers Arthur, 17, and Eric Alger, 16, and friend David Ceddia, 13, from Pearcedale, competed with their team of seven in the 404-kilometre race from 27 to 31 December.
Arthur said they were very proud of their achievements particularly as they were one of the smallest and youngest teams in the competition, with each year level represented from Woodleigh School in Baxter.
“Most of the people in the event were in years 11 and 12 and had teams of eight to 10 people. We also had a mixed team with a year 12 girl,” he said.
The relay event also included Beaconhills College, Trinity Grammar and Camberwell Grammar who helped the school take out first prize.
“Our friends weren’t really surprised when we won. Even though we are a young team we are a very strong team,” Arthur said.
“We did fairly well in the lead up events to the Murray Marathon which is a pretty good indication.”
Youngest competitor David was only in year seven last year and had only begun kayaking at the beginning of the year.
But Arthur said he was very competitive and gave 100 per cent to the sport.
Eric and Arthur both started training at the school about four years ago.
They are hoping to continue their success next year after also doing well in last year’s national marathon event in Adelaide and national sprint event in Sydney.
Funds raised during the Marathon go towards community programs and emergency services provided by the Australian Red Cross, including patient transport, emergency First Aid, registration and catering.