Made for a good cause

A GROUP of year seven Hillcrest Christian College students were sad to part with wooden toy cars they had laboured over this year.
However, they knew they were going towards a good cause.
The woodwork class spent the semester making their hand-made creations, and last week donated them to children less fortunate than themselves.
The students eagerly built the toy cars with the idea of donating them to children with special needs.
On Monday, Cameron Glover from Windermere Child and Family Services gratefully accepted the gifts on behalf of the children.
In accepting the presents, Mr Glover spoke about the delight that these underprivileged children would have on Christmas morning when there was a pile of presents at the end of their beds.
He also asked the students to reflect and think about how they would feel if their parents could not afford presents or if they didn’t have any parents at all.
Woodwork teacher Bruce Wallace said the students were always encouraged to help people in need, especially at Christmas.
“Its great to give something back to our local community and for the students to think about others,” Mr Wallace said.
“The students got a real kick out of it and I am sure the children will appreciate their gifts come Christmas morning.”