Here come the wasps

THE warmer weather is upon us early and so is the European wasp.
Casey Council has issued a wasp warning to residents and has advised residents what to do if they are stung.
Casey community safety manager Caroline Bell said wasps were starting to build their nests in the local area and people could take several precautions to minimise the risk.
“To reduce your chance of being stung, minimise the wasps’ sources of food and water. This can be achieved by covering compost heaps, bird baths, fish ponds, swimming pools, closing rubbish bins and removing fruit from under trees,” Ms Bell said.
Removing ivy from backyard gardens and clearing away left over pet food will also help in keeping wasps away.
“If you are stung, move inside quickly and apply an icepack to the affected area. The sting will cause a hot, red, swollen mark and pain that usually subsides in a couple of hours. If it does not, or you suspect an allergic reaction, seek medical advice.”
Ms Bell said anyone who finds a European wasp nest should leave it alone and contact a private pest controller.
If the nest is on council property, residents are asked to contact the Casey environmental health unit on 9705 5200.