Young workers in the swim

Cranbourne Indoor Pool employees Shane Hamilton and Kurt Dietzsch are well on their way to becoming YMCA future leaders.                                                     Picture: Stewart Chambers.Cranbourne Indoor Pool employees Shane Hamilton and Kurt Dietzsch are well on their way to becoming YMCA future leaders. Picture: Stewart Chambers.

THE future looks bright for two of Cranbourne Indoor Pool’s best young employees.
Local boys Shane Hamilton and Kurt Dietzsch were given a “once in a lifetime” opportunity when they attended the YMCA sponsored UNOY and Future Leaders weeklong camps recently.
The YMCA Victoria conducts the leadership and development camps each year for young people in the community as a reward for their hard work and dedication.
Centre manager Maurice Rossetti said he was happy to sponsor two of his most outstanding young staff members.
“Kurt and Shane were both worthy nominees for the camps.
“They both deserved a reward for all their efforts,” he said.
Kurt said the UNOY camp, which aims to develop young adults into future community leaders, was one of the best things he had ever done.
He said he came away from the program with new friends and life experiences.
“The YMCA camp leaders and the other guys who were with me on the camp were awesome.
“I gained a lot more confidence and awareness of myself. I even learnt how to become a leader,” he said.
Shane attended the Future Leaders professional development course and said he gained a greater sense of selfconfidence and respect.
“We got to develop our public speaking skills, we faced our fears and had lots of real challenges.
“It was great working in teams and watching the teams develop. I made lots of new friends at the camp that I see regularly,” he said.
For more information regarding YMCA Victoria, its camps or any of its other programs, contact 9480 1177 or visit