Riding school reopens

OAKWOOD Riding School has reopened in its new facilities in Clyde North.
After 30 years in Narre Warren, the riding school recently moved to a larger property, opening for lessons and agistment last week.
The school now sports a large indoor arena, private paddocks and shelters, with a second arena, cross country facilities and show jumping course on the drawing board.
General manager and chief instructor Sue Chandler said the school had closed for three months to move into its new home but was now open for business.
Ms Chandler, who is a dressage specialist and an Equestrian Federation of Australia (EFA) level two coach, said the school was the oldest riding school in Victoria and will be 50 years old in 2008.
She said the school would have its grand opening in November.
Oakwood Riding School office manager Pauline Rogers, who has worked with the school for 23 years, said members were slowly building up again as they adjusted to their new premises.
“In the future we hope to have competitions and for schools to be able to use the arenas. We didn’t have the facilities down in Narre Warren,” Ms Rogers said.
The other instructors at the riding school are Pagan Davies, EFA level two, Matthew Archibald, EFA level one, and Kate Martin.
The school is located at 10 Smiths Lane, Clyde North. Phone 9702 6566.