Tale of two schools

TWO local primary schools will battle it out to go into the running for the national title in the Wakakirri National Story Festival.
Lynbrook and Cranbourne South primary schools will compete at Vodafone Arena in the state grand final today and tomorrow (7 and 8 September).
Lynbrook Primary School students scored themselves a place in the new and inexperienced schools division for their story Unlocking Doors, Opening Hearts.
The school only opened last year and teachers, parents and students were busy preparing for three months for their dance in the heats.
Cranbourne South Primary School will enter the experienced primary school division performing its story about Cyclone Larry.
About 100 students at the school told the story of the devastating Queensland cyclone and the impact it had on the people living there.
Out of more than 100 Victorian schools that participated, 29 schools won through to compete for the state crown and to go into the running for the national title.
The performances will be judged on concept and interpretation, plus various elements such as creativity, musical choice, choreography, teamwork and stage presentation.