$3m master plan proudly unveiled

By Ed Merrison
LYNDHURST Secondary College proudly unveiled new and upgraded facilities worth $3.3 million earlier this week.
The opening of the facilities, which were paid for by a combination of federal and state funds and the school community, took place on Monday, 21 August.
School principal Steve Phillips said the project, which had taken about two years to complete, had delivered four new general purpose classrooms, a visual arts area, a music room, two graphics rooms and a computer room.
Also upgraded in the process were the food technology classrooms, office and canteen, as well as the school’s performing arts facility, which has been fitted with retractable seating for 170 people.
Some walkways in the school have also been covered and a new locker area built.
“We’re very happy to finally have access to these new facilities. They’re going to make a huge difference,” Mr Phillips said.
He said the latest works marked the third and final stage of a master plan for the school, which was built in 1981 to cater for a far smaller number of children than it now serves.
Mr Phillips said prior to the upgrades, which began in the mid-1990s, the facilities were inadequate for modern educational needs.
“Now we have excellent facilities to meet a broad range of needs,” Mr Phillips said.
“The technology is a classic example with computers and graphic design, as are the new musical facilities, which are computerised, with keyboards linked to computers,” he said.
The work was paid for by $1.9 million of State Government money and a contribution of $1.2 million from the Federal Government’s Capital Grants Program.
In addition, $170,000 was contributed by the local community, including contributions parents had made to the school’s building fund over the past several years.