Such a resilient bunch

Holt MP Anthony Byrne, Pastors Graham and Julie Shand, CHIPS            representative Sharon O’Brien and Reverend Ian Savage present the resilience pencil to Hampton Park Primary School students last week.Holt MP Anthony Byrne, Pastors Graham and Julie Shand, CHIPS representative Sharon O’Brien and Reverend Ian Savage present the resilience pencil to Hampton Park Primary School students last week.

STUDENTS at Hampton Park Primary School demonstrated the importance of self control at the launch of the You Can Do It week.
Principal Christine Wakeling said the school participated in a week of celebrations to refocus the teaching of the You Can Do It social and emotional competence program.
She said resilience was the latest facet of the program to be introduced at a special assembly attended by Holt MP Anthony Byrne.
Mr Byrne and local pastors presented 110 students with resilience awards and spoke about the importance of emotional resilience.