Time’s up for signs

CRANBOURNE traders have won a small reprieve with Casey Council allowing retailers to keep advertising signs in front of their shops.
However, the move is only temporary and the council will now write to local businesses and the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce informing them that the council is reviewing the use of A-frame display boards in a bid to create more uniformed signage.
Last month, High Street traders expressed outrage after business owners along the Cranbourne shopping strip were given just seven days to remove one-metre signs that they said were a vital part of their operation.
The council will now investigate ways to address portable A-frame display boards in commercial areas and will seek trader input to come up with a new advertising option.
Traders can continue to use their boards until the council chooses a new alternative.
At Tuesday’s council meeting, mayor Kevin Bradford said the decision to have the signs removed had caused much angst among Cranbourne traders.
“It was a case of good intentions but bad communication,” he said.
Cr Bradford sited High Street, Berwick, as an example of where uniformed A-frame signs had been introduced and proved successful.
He said A-frame signs were a vital part of advertising but more consistent signage would reduce visual clutter and benefit traders.
Cr Bradford also moved that officers take a similar approach when dealing with other strip shopping.