The Landlords rule the roost

SIX local bands battled it out on Friday night but five-piece The Landlords took the prize.
The City of Casey’s Battle of the Bands final was a big success, with 600 young people turning up in Cranbourne to cheer on their favourite band.
The Landlords, who describe their music as “blues, roots and reggae with a big dose of funk”, will now progress to the regional finals.
The group beat other local bands Nothing So Far, Heartless Vendetta, Shadowfex, Talent’s Dead and Pitbull!
Casey manager youth and community development Janette Green congratulated Spectrum Entertainment, Casey’s FReeZA Youth Advisory Committee, for putting on a smoke, drug and alcohol free event for young people.
“Spectrum Entertainment organised a fantastic Battle of the Bands series, which provided a great opportunity for young local bands to perform to huge crowds and enabled the hundreds of young people to experience a great range of music genres,” Ms Green said.
The next FReeZA event is ‘Live and Loud’ which will be held on Friday, 14 September, at Narre Community Learning Centre.
The event will also feature some popular acts from the Battle of the Bands series including The Portrait, Forget to Remember, Pitbull!, and The Landlords.