Councillors air views on dismissal calls

“WHAT we have here is an election coming within the next three months and a group of residents who stood at the last election and lost.
Steve Beardon stood and won and did not get his own way in the chamber in the first month so he resigned, costing the ratepayer over $60,000 in another election. Joanne Blanch stood and lost.
Paul Richardson stood at the last election and lost. All of these are a group of people who stood and lost and can see a way of getting their faces on TV to promote themselves.
This is all about them and not the people of Casey.”
Wayne Smith

“I HAVEN’T seen the TV news segment but from all accounts the people interviewed (about the sacking of Casey council) were mostly failed council, state or federal election candidates who appear to have a chip on their shoulders as a result.
The longstanding problems at Glen Eira are very different from the issues at Casey. As the biggest and fastest growing municipality in Victoria, Casey councillors will always have a challenging job.
I hope that the ratepayers in my ward see that I put my effort into the issues of my ward and city as a whole.
I’m proud of, and very open, about my political views and allegiances but politics and personality clashes are low on my council agenda. I hope this is proven by my success in lobbying for funding of programs and facilities, both in and beyond my River Gum Ward.”
Lorraine Wreford
“MOST of the ‘community comment’ asking for the sacking of councillors comes from the same few people who have either been beaten in a previous election, quit from council, or would like to get elected in the next council elections.”
Neil Lucas

“WE NEED to appreciate that vigorous debate and point scoring at council meetings and elsewhere represents less than one per cent of council activity.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, not in the brandy sauce’s smoke and flame.”
Brian Oates

“I HAVE no doubt that following the minister’s decision on Glen Eira City Council there will be many disgruntled people who would be calling for their council to be dismissed too.
This doesn’t mean that Casey council is perfect but there are those, like myself, trying to make Casey’s business transparent and open to public scrutiny and to make council more accountable.
The people calling for our dismissal are playing into the hands of those in council who want operations kept secret.”
Rob Wilson

“(The campaign) is a Liberal Party plot.”
Ben Clissold

“THE (Casey) councillors have different levels of ability, commitment, ego and judgement, but work together better than Glen Eira.
There are some good councillors in there (Casey), so to throw everyone out because of a few, just weeks before an election seems over the top. Voters have the opportunity to improve the lineup in November. I just hope some qualified candidates run and the community considers their preferences carefully.”